
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Stuttgart--the city

Stuttgart is located in a valley, and has a lot of shops and things to do. And it's cold. Really cold.

This here is the King's place, built a bit later (1800s I think) and now is part cultural center, part shopping.

Here is a statue of Schiller...just can't get away from that guy. And do you see how he's much more serious?

There were a lot of angels (and greek and roman gods), "protecting" buildings and prosperity.

It was cold, but there was still live music! I just hope that guy had a space heater...

Shopping! And I believe that glass building is a photography museum...Fotografiere seems quite popular in Germany

In this square you have the "old castle," AND "the new castle." Why they needed to build a new one right next to the old one, I don't know. Google, our primary source, didn't supply that information.
The old castle above, and below, the "new" castle...mid 1800s I believe...maybe earlier
The "old" Castle a bit closer

Catholic Church...just wished we had been able to go inside all these places!

Look at the statuary! Very detailed

It was cold...and getting dark. Luckily, after this we had a good German dinner! And then back on the train we went (after missing an earlier one by one minute...that always seems to happen--you just come up...and they leave. But I swear this one left 30 seconds early.) So we took the train we originally planned to take, full of food--and I had fun talking to the Australians in the group!
                  -Fact 1: Wearing Uggs outside is taboo in Australia. They are only worn inside.
                  -Fact 2: Candy is "lollies" or "sweets."
                  -Fact 3: AC is aircon. And Australians, Norwegians, and Americans all seem to know about the  same drinking games.

1 comment:

  1. More pictures! Loved em! Although it looked cold! Brrrrrr!
    Thanks for sharing!
